Sparse hair: how to make them thicker folk ways

Sparse hair: how to make them thicker folk ways
 If nature has not endowed you elegant thick shiny hair, which is not afraid of no effect, then you can be called a very happy man. Yet most women have to put a lot of effort to hair looked spectacular. Environmental problems, unhealthy lifestyle and improper care - all these factors weaken the hair and do not allow boast density and strength of hair. However, following are some guidelines you can make your hair thicker and much prettier.

Avoid the use of electric dryers. They desiccate the hair, making them weak and brittle. To dry hair, wrap head with a towel and some time walking in this turban. Summer is best to dry your hair in the sun and outdoors.


Try to wash your hair as little as possible. Two times a week would be enough, but if your hair is not greasy and sebaceous glands are working properly, it is best to wash them once a week. From too frequent washing of hair thinning and weakening. When washing your hair gently massage the scalp with fingertips.


Start making massage. Perform head massage with fingertips from the temples towards the back of the head, capturing every area of ​​skin. Can use special oils that will nourish the scalp and hair.


Be sure to use balms and conditioners that contain natural ingredients. Carefully read the labels, try to give up drugs containing harmful chemical additives. For information about these supplements you can find on the net.


Avoid the use of hair dyes. An exception may be only henna, which is made from natural ingredients and brings benefits to hair.


Try less to comb hair. When combing her hair pulled out of their seats. Prichёsyvaytes toothed comb, it is better that it is made from natural materials instead of plastic.


Go to bed with her hair - the hair roots and scalp should also relax and not have to be constantly on the screws tightened.


Begin to use vitamin complexes. That hair grew well and looked healthy, they should receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Useful Tips

Also, in order to give your hair a higher density, it is possible to use all kinds of folk remedies, apply to them colorless henna, and if all these measures seem you do not work very well, try to increase the hair salon.

Tags: hair, pets, condition, grounds