How to straighten your hair at home

How to straighten your hair at home
 Straight, flowing, shiny hair can be seen not only in commercials! Follow the simple rules of care, remember a few tricks - and your locks will be obedient and straight. So, how to straighten your hair at home?

To start dry the washed hair with a towel. Do not rub them - simply soak up excess moisture and allow to dry yourself. Now apply some styling - a light cream or mousse rectifying. Causing means to wet hair, you can hardly go too far, it's pretty easy to spread on the strands. Use heat-protective agents, silicone-free - and arm hair dryer!


Hair Dryer - proven remedy for hair straightening. Divide hair into strands and kill them on top. Now, one by one, about the middle of wrap them around the large round brush by scrolling it to the end and pulling hair. Better tighten the ends inward.


If you want to use the hair iron, it is better to choose a ceramic coating. It will bring a lot less hair damage. Straighten better virtually dry hair immediately after application thermofilter spray. Some are convinced that after the application of funds for the pilings with thermal protection, nothing scary hair and iron can be heated to a maximum temperature. It should not do in any case - sprays and creams only partially protect the hair. Ideal - straighten your hair with a brush and a hair dryer, and then walk along the upper strands of iron. This will allow your hair look shiny and flowing without too much damage.


After washing, rinse your hair with cold water - it will close the pores and hair is easier to style.

Tags: hair, pets, condition, straight straightening