How to return the power of your hair

How to return the power of your hair
 Bad ecology, stress, chronic diseases - all this can adversely affect the condition of our hair. In order to regain your hair beauty and vitality, it is necessary not only to strengthen their care, but also care about the general state of health.
 If your hair began to fall out, split, lose luster or on the scalp appeared dandruff, you should consult a doctor, because the state of our health is directly reflected on the hair. You can buy the most expensive shampoos and hair masks, but if you have any problems in the body, it is the use of cosmetics is not because it is necessary to eliminate the root cause.

If health is all right, and hair condition is poor, to begin with, you can ask your doctor to write you the vitamins that not only nourish the body, but also to benefit the hair and scalp.

Parallel to this, it is necessary to strengthen the hair care. Buy a shampoo that is right for your hair type. Do not forget about the balsam conditioner that forms on the hair a special film that protects the hair from the negative effects of the environment.

Twice a week, apply on hair nourishing mask. It can be purchased at the store or make your own. For example, take one tablespoon of olive oil, add a teaspoon of honey and one egg yolk. Apply the mixture on your hair, wrap your head warm scarf, and after thirty minutes, rinse with water. Well strengthen the hair and masks from the bow. Take two tablespoons of onion juice, mix them with a tablespoon of honey, apply on hair and walk 20 minutes. This procedure is best done at night because the bow can leave the hair characteristic odor.

If you dry your hair dryer on a daily basis or placed them with curling irons, you should try to reduce the harm of these procedures to a minimum. For example, when drying alternate stream of hot air from the cold, but better to replace curlers curling. In addition, experts advise to use hot styling tools with thermal protection, which helps hair to withstand high temperatures.

If you can afford it, then you can go with a professional hair treatments in beauty salons. With the help of special procedures and professional cosmetics your hair will regain the beauty and power.

In cases where these tools are ineffective, please refer to trihologu - doctor who treats hair. Specialist will help determine the cause of problems, and prescribe medication that will help your hair once again become healthy and beautiful!

Tags: hair, beauty, health, strength