How to dye your hair basmoj

How to dye your hair basmoj
 Secrets of oriental beauties hair care today have become known and available to any woman. Of particular interest are methods of hair coloring with natural dyes that will not only give your hair a beautiful natural colors, but also take care of them, make hair strong and shiny. One such natural hair dyes - basma, you can buy today without any problems and used for home dyeing. Usually, as a result of staining with Basma make great dark shades of brown to black. But it should know some of the subtleties of its application. The fact that basma, in fact, can only give the hair a shade green or blue-green. To dye my hair basmoj and get one of the luxury oriental shades need to mix it with other natural dye.  

Mix the powders Basma and henna in proportion to the desired shade.
By mixing equal amounts of henna and Basma get brown hair color.
To increase the amount of dark Basma towards henna powder, lighter, on the other hand the number of henna in proportion. For black color Basma need to take twice as much than henna.
Mash cooked in the correct proportions in non-metallic powders dish best wooden spoon, hot water until smooth.


Cooked weight applied to washed hair starting from the nape of the neck, the rows of neatly prokrashivaya hair roots.
Remains of mass slightly diluted with hot water and apply on hair ends.
On his head put a plastic cap on top povyazhite towel to create a thermal effect.


For light shades of paint to keep the hair 15-45 minutes, 1-2 hours of dark.
Gently wash off the paint from the hair without shampoo and other caregivers funds.

Pay attention

When buying carefully study the package and read the composition, on the market today are many substandard drugs are sometimes included and chemical components.
Do not dye your hair with natural dyes after applying artificial and vice versa, in order to avoid unexpected manifestations shades on the hair.

Useful Tips

Keep in mind that henna and Basma fine stained not only hair but also skin. It is very long washed away. Therefore, do not neglect the gloves and be careful how you can apply on your hair.
Before you dye your hair with henna and basmoj, paint a small section of the prepared solution, make sure that you want the resulting hair color.

Tags: hair, Basma, henna