Hair mask from cherry and raspberry

Hair mask from cherry and raspberry
 Elasticity, softness and shine - that give the hair mask made of raspberry or cherry. After all, these berries are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that revitalizes hair. In addition, such masks are capable of regulating homo-lipid balance of the scalp, and thus help the hair longer look well groomed and clean.

If you had a free day, then spend it on yourself. Arrange your hair holiday - make a mask. Particularly well suited for this purpose raspberry and cherry. In addition, for the treatment of hair can be used in various interpretations: as a cream, as a slurry, and a juice. In any case, you will spend a pleasant procedure, enjoy the unique flavor and get an unusual effect on hair.

If your hair does not look well-groomed, due to the fact that the hair dull and lifeless, then treat yourself to a mask in the form of raspberry cream. To make it, need fresh berries. Squeeze the juice from them. After that, pour 2 tablespoons of the resulting liquid into a specially prepared dishes, they add 1 tablespoon of sour cream. Also cream you will need half a teaspoon of common salt, 1 teaspoon of honey (preferably melt it slightly before pouring in the total weight), one egg yolk and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. The ingredients should be thoroughly mixed together. But this cream on this substance are still little resemblance. To mass acquired the necessary consistency, you need to add to it a thick porridge. It should necessarily be welded to the water. Add it to the mixture should be warm. Such cream is applied, usually directly to the head washing. Divide the hair into strands, and then apply the resulting cream to the scalp. The remaining mass is distributed along the entire length. Leave this mask on your hair it is recommended not less than 40-50 minutes. After which it is washed off with a mild shampoo, chosen according to the type of hair. The main advantage of this mask-cream that can be used for both fat, and for normal and dry hair.

To combat the excessive greasiness of hair is perfectly cherry. To prepare the mask of this berry is also required squeezed juice. All the resulting liquid is necessary to pour into a glass liquid. Next to the juice is added 1 cup of vodka. Stir and then add 3-4 drops of lemon juice. Mix again. Then close the lid and the resulting mask offers true in a warm place for about 2 weeks. It is also applied before washing the head. Divide hair into strands and a cotton swab, apply the mask on the scalp. Then Tie a headscarf or a towel and leave for 30 minutes so. Rinse off the mask to a mild shampoo. But that's not all. Necessarily at the end of water treatment rinse hair with slightly acidified water.

If you want to make a mask for hair is not out of juice, and fruit of itself, you'll like this recipe. Take 3 tablespoons of mashed to a pulp, certainly fresh raspberries or cherries (you can even mix them). This mass can be directly applied to the hair so, but you can add it to yogurt or yogurt. Make a mask for 30 minutes about before shampooing. Mask to rub in the hair roots and the remainder spread over the entire length. This mask - an excellent remedy for oily hair.

In general, experts recommend adding the juice of the berries to any other ingredients, because it will help improve the hair, making them tougher, stronger and give a unique shine.

Tags: hair tool, mask recipe, cherry, raspberry