Brewer's yeast for hair: how to use?

Brewer's yeast for hair: how to use?
 Long known the benefits of brewer's yeast. They nourish the hair, making them stronger. Brewer's yeast are good because they are practical to use. After use your hair will look shiny and beautiful.

There are many recipes, allowing to preserve youth and health of your hair. Brewer's yeast is used for this purpose even our great-grandmothers. Their locks have always been the strength and beauty. If you want your hair and looked so, start to use this product.

Brewer's yeast contain nutrients such as zinc, iron, calcium, selenium, and B vitamins, which are so essential to our hair. Use of brewer's yeast strengthens the hair structure. They are also effective in treating dandruff and scalp various problems. Brewer's yeast promote hair growth.

There is a myth that when using brewer's yeast weight will start to grow. Yeast help to increase appetite, so you should control it a bit. In this case, it does not take much. Your weight will remain unchanged.

It is not recommended to constantly take brewer's yeast. Propyl course, then take a break. Otherwise, nothing good will come of it. Tablets are advised to take several times a day before meals, so they are better absorbed.

Brewer's yeast can be used both internally and externally. In a cup of yogurt, add a tablespoon of yeast, then put in a warm place. Give the mixture a little wander. Then put on your hair and rinse off after half an hour. This mask effectively eliminates dandruff. In a glass of warm milk, add a packet of brewer's yeast and let stand for 15 minutes. Then, the resulting mixture, add 1-2 eggs and 1 tablespoon of olive oil and mix thoroughly. Apply to the hair and in 1-2 hours, rinse with warm water. This mask strengthens the hair structure and make them more shiny.

Tags: hair, pub, tablet, yeast