Bioinkrustatsiya hair

Bioinkrustatsiya hair
 Dull, weak and tired from the constant coloring or styling hair needs careful care, which is not always possible to spend quality at home. In this case, come to the aid salon treatment - for example, bioinkrustatsiya.
 Mysterious name "bioinkrustatsiya" has Latin roots and is a procedure intense natural hair restoration, starting from the scalp and ending with the tip of each individual hair. The technology of this miracle procedure is sealing the hair over their entire length special complex of plant components, as well as sea minerals. In the process of sealing the transparent film is formed, the main components of which are keratin, oils and cation-active polymers.

We can say that the hair is exposed to peculiar "kerativnomu repair", which gives them elasticity and shine, eliminating roughness and irregularities, the hair adding an additional 10% of the volume at the expense of the shell. In addition, set up in such a way shell remembers the shape of the hair and keeps it, allowing you to always have a perfect styling even without using styling tools. And bioinkrustatsiya significantly improves the condition of the scalp makes frequent use of hair dye.

Bioinkrustatsii procedure is carried out in several stages. First Master thoroughly cleans the hair from natural contamination, as well as the remains of balms and styling products. To do this, use a shampoo that deeply cleanses the hair. The second stage - the application of firming mask. She applied massage, lightly rubbing motion across the surface of the head and hair. Contained in the mask active ingredients just show their magical properties. Half an hour later the remnants of the mask are washed away by acid rinse containing a safe hair amount of acid. The final touch - the use of a special fluid-enhancing effect of protective and regenerative properties of the mask.

Bioinkrustratsiya - procedure pleasant and not at all tiring, persisting within one hour. However, it really works wonders. After the session, not only improves the condition of hair, but also humor, uplifting. The effect of the procedure lasts about two weeks, and you can not wash your hair with shampoo afraid though every day.

Tags: hair, care, treatment, bioinkrustatsiya