Approximately 30 minutes before washing your hair should be applied to the ends of the mask of a mixture of heated oils. However, oil is not necessary to mix, and they can be applied individually, but the effect of the various combinations will be much larger. For example, has a remarkable reducing effect almond oil. It nourishes the hair, nourishes its structure nutrients and how to "close" exfoliating particles. Almond oil can be combined with olive or burdock - just mix the oils in equal parts and apply on hair. Then put on his head a cap or plastic bag, wrapped in a warm towel (to save thermoeffect, improves penetration of nutrients in the hair).
Good mask for split ends is considered a mask of egg yolk, honey and any vegetable oil (you can even sunflower). Separate the yolk from the protein (the main thing - carefully and thoroughly, as the protein even in a small amount of land and has an astringent action), stir it with two teaspoons of honey, pour a few tablespoons of well-heated oil, rub the whole mixture well and put on the tips. Keep this mask is also better in a warm and about 30 minutes. Hair should be washed after it very mild natural shampoo and rinse with cold water. Cold water closes well delaminated flakes and prevents new ones.
Good tips nourishes mask warmed grape seed oil, mashed banana and whipped cream. All ingredients must be carefully grind in a blender and apply on hair for about 20 minutes before washing.
Very good treats dissected ends and oil from the fresh aloe juice, a teaspoon of honey and one tablespoon of lemon juice. You can add a little olive oil for better application and even greater benefits. All ingredients should stir well until smooth, and the resulting composition of slightly warmed before the application.