Most often, the former "dredastye" shave bald - because if they had once decided on extravagant African hairstyle, the radical change of appearance is not so frightens them. And see how they will look, shorn very short - how can you miss out on this opportunity!
If you do not want to be cut very short, you can try to untwist dreadlocks. This is possible if the binding up their unused wax or honey. Today, most of the hair just a special way entangled in dreadlocks with a hook, so that if you spend enough time, you get to untangle them back. This can be done both at home and in the salon.
Home advantage of the method is that you will untwist dreadlocks themselves, and it will not be as painful as in the cabin, because you feel your hair is better than an outsider. But, on the other hand, the master has more experience, will do everything faster, in addition, the session will be followed by the imposition of nutrients and restoring hair masks, which it does not hurt very much.
For the home cook procedures crochet hook, and that you will all unravel, as well as several combs with different density cloves. It is best to purchase a means for weak and damaged hair. Before you begin, hold the hair in hot water to make them softer. Crochet pull strands of hair, gradually unraveling every dread completely starting from the tip. So, starting from the end, you will eventually get to its very foundation. Most importantly - accuracy and deliberation. The more carefully and calmly your work, the more hair will remain.
Inside, the master unravel your hair so that the damage will be minimal. All the same, it should be remembered that part of the hair was lost, but keep in dreadlocks. Most likely, your hair noticeably poredeyut that may have unpleasant surprise. After a while they will again be thick, but will need to wait.
No matter you are at home or dreadlocks unravels in the cabin, in any case, be sure for a while after that you need to follow the hair very carefully, making nutritious and rejuvenating body wraps and masks.
Haircut - this is the most simple and useful useful for hair way of getting rid of dread. The hair will then grow better, they'll be healthy, they do not need to restore and podlechivat. Besides, this method is the fastest.