How to put a bang

How to put a bang
 Bangs can be high, remove the side or back, backcomb, beaten, put - it all depends on what type of hair you want to select. Fringe is often considered a key element of hairstyles, but its styling leaves little time. Master the basic techniques and use them.
 Lift bangs, giving strands vertical position, and you will increase the volume of hairstyles. Apply a small amount of fringe modeling tool - it can be a foam, mousse or wax. Please note that the styling products distributed over the entire length bangs, including roots. Turn on the hair dryer in the hot mode, take a round comb and pull the bangs, pulling her aside. Hot air will fix the direction of the hair root volume will appear. Secure the hair, blowing a stream of cold air to the roots. If you want to comb the bangs to the side, then when you pull the hot air take away the comb in the right direction.

The second way in which you can put a bang, you will create a retro image (in the 80s it was fashionable to tease bangs and lift them high above the forehead). Prepare a light mousse, brush their hair, comb and dry well bang. Divide it into two parts - one of them tease you, and the second use to create a smooth top layer. Now proceed to the creation of fleece - lift lock vertically, take a thin flat comb and nacheshite bangs short jerky movements. Hands formed into the desired shape, drooping ends of her hair down and cover the top layer of her combed strands. Such a structure must sprinkle liberally nail fixation.

Place a bang, removing the hair ends back. If your bangs long and lush, and the rest of the hair reaching the shoulders and down below, it is possible to build a hair style 50s. Principle fleece remains the same, only changing function parts bangs - you just divide it into two parts, but already tease the upper part (the one that is closer to the top). Top cover with a layer of fleece smooth strands and remove the entire assembly back in the direction of hair growth. The edges can be clipped bangs "invisible" or pull a beautiful barrette. Spray paint the bangs and smooth hands individual hairs sticking out.

If your bangs ultra short, one option may be laying hairstyles "a boy" - lift the hair with your fingers over his forehead and drench them with wax or gel strong hold. Your task - to create a "hedgehog", which will be held for a long time.

Tags: hairstyle