To result in hair coloring does not appear yellowness, try to find the right tone paint. If the shade of your hair "warm", choose platinum or ash shades of paint. With their help, you can be toned yellowness at the time, and later purchase a special shampoo for blondes will remove the yellow tint to the hair.
In colored hair is colored pigment. To clean it, use a flushing agent before'll lighten hair. It will remove the pigment of their structure, which influences the shade of hair during their clarification.
Before the hair coloring process take care of that for them there was no wax or foam for hair. Before painting, wash your hair for a few days, then the paint will not damage their structure. Remember locks should not be wet when applied thereon colorant. Follow the exact instructions for hair coloring, mixing with the oxidant cream coloring. Do this in a plastic container, metal can enter into a chemical reaction with the ink.
Painting process is recommended to start from the back. Comb your hair and apply makeup using a special brush. If your goal - to slightly lighten your hair, keep the paint on the head to 20 minutes, more intense color involves the application of paint for about 40 minutes. Wash it off with warm running water and then apply on the hair and scalp conditioner, curls will gain shine and become silky.
Use coloring shampoo for blondes, but not too often, rotate it with the usual means for washing the hair. Concentrated coloring shampoo divorce from conventional in the ratio 1: 1.Osvetlyat regrown hair roots have every 3 weeks, and those with natural hair color is dark by nature, even more often.