If you have limited time, for example, you have the next day to look perfect, your way - use a chemical stripper color hair. This means you can buy in any store of professional cosmetics for hairdressers.
It is better if the procedure washes of color will conduct master, for the desired effect should be applied to the hair very quickly and evenly, which is impossible for independent use. Rinse-off products from the hair should also be special "pull" motion using shampoo for deep cleaning.
You may need a second application of hair if black wash off unevenly, or if the result is not satisfactory. After the procedure, wash black hair needs to be followed by painting the hair did not seem "empty".
If the time you are not limited or do not want to hurt curls aggressive effect washing, you can use home remedies. Black color can be gradually "washed" from the structure of the hair, if within 1-2 months, 2-3 times a week to do the warm oil wraps.
Such oils like olive, almond, peach, sunflower, coconut, not only washed out color paint pigments but also moisturize the hair, making them more strong and healthy.
To expedite this process, you can once a week to wash hair soap. But it is very dry hair, so after use, apply to hair nourishing and moisturizing cream.