First you need to give them time to partial recovery, during which you must moisturize and nourish their different masks and care for damaged hair. At this time, we should also give up too frequent blow-drying, and especially the use of ironing. Depending on the degree of discoloration reducing period should take between 2 to 4 weeks.
During this period, you can use the tonic ashen or tinted shampoo. They help remove strands unpleasant yellow shade.
Once the hair is a little recovered, you can start a new painting. Due to the fact that during the bleaching the color pigment is completely removed from the hair, the dye in the first go bad. Therefore, for a start you should not choose too dark and bright colors. It is better to stay at a more natural colors such as blond or light brown.
It must be remembered also that with the bleached strands darker paint is washed off very quickly. And to secure the selected shade will need to repeat the procedure several times staining. Naturally, an interval of at least several weeks.
To achieve the greatest effect in repainting bleached hair and not injure them once again, it is best to seek help from a professional master, who will help you choose the right shade and the amount of paint from the structure of the hair and the degree of clarification.
And the main thing. Do not forget to take care of hair, nourishing and moisturizing them every time after washing with masks made from natural ingredients.