How to clean artificial hair

How to clean artificial hair
 With the latest hairdressing techniques in modern times, women may in a few hours to get hold of a thick and long hair. However, for such an artificial beauty must be properly looked after.
 With artificial hair extensions need to address very carefully and accurately. Comb be made of natural material, preferably of wood. At the same time to care for artificial hair must give preference to brush with a few teeth and no balls. Combing artificial hair, as well, and the natural need to start from the tips, gradually moving to the roots. This procedure can not be performed more often 2-3 times a day. In addition, strictly forbidden to dry artificial hair dryer.

Artificial hair need special care because they do not receive power from the body. You can do this by using moisturizing and nourishing funds purchased at the pharmacy. Perfectly suited and those intended for the care of natural hair.

Wash artificial hair at home need only be a mild shampoo with a neutral pH. During this procedure, you must keep your head upright and quickly apply shampoo to wet hair (on dry artificial hair can not apply shampoo). In addition, it is very important to shampoo the hair was no more than 2 minutes. While washing hair should try to maintain their structure, not confuse them with each other.

After washing, be sure to use hair conditioner. During the application mask or balm can not let this tool on the capsule artificial hair.

You can not wash your hair extensions shampoo designed for dry or oily hair, and apply various remedies (herbal tinctures, decoctions, oil for rubbing and so on). Water for hair should not be very hot water. You can not go to bed with damp hair, otherwise they would not be possible in the morning to comb.

Tags: hair care, washing