How to cheat curls

How to cheat curls
 Those with straight hair, wrap them often to hairstyle looked magnificent. There are many ways wave: the choice of tools for it only depends on individual preferences.
 Curl the hair can be using curlers made of different materials. The most simple to use - it's Velcro curlers. They are especially popular among owners of short hair and medium length hair, as they can be and give your hair volume and curl the tips correctly. Strand must be strictly perpendicular to wind curlers. The main thing is that the width of the strands did not exceed their length (however, this applies to all versions of this simple device). Locks with their help, you can create in minutes: just apply to wet or dry hair foam, cheat them and blow dry.

Using electric or hot rollers, too, can save time. And wet hair when applied it is not necessary, it will be enough foam. Especially fit well after use thin and unruly hair.

But on rubber, plastic and metal wind the curler just wet hair, too, treated foam. Dry head can only natural way. That is why the ineradicable image of a housewife with hair curlers wound on, because in order to get a really resistant locks have to wait at least a few hours.

Beautifully put hair curls can and using curling irons. To protect them from damage, it is recommended to wrap handle them some hair styling products, and in any case not wet.

Create beautiful curls help and hair dryers. If you take a round brush and lightly blowing bottom hairdryer, spinning with it strand by strand damp hair, then they will become much more magnificent and slightly zavyutsya. Hair before this procedure is best to handle and means for stacking.

After winding the hair is better not to comb them, and carefully disassembled into curls and sprinkle with varnish.

Tags: curl, creating