For bleaching and also used various clarifiers with a specific chemical composition. But remember that the use of such means to be very careful, because otherwise you run the risk of seriously degrade the condition of the hair or even burn.
Use hair bleach and hydrogen peroxide. But remember that doing it yourself is not worth it - better to refer to the hairdresser.
If you do not want to expose your hair to aggressive chemical components, you can try some homemade recipes. This discoloration lasts much longer, but will not spoil the beauty of your hair. For example, a very effective clarifier is a decoction of chamomile field. Brew a very strong decoction of this herb. After each shampooing, rinse hair with this vegetable broth. After several weeks they become lighter two tones.
Whiten your hair can be and with the help of lemon juice, but this tool can be used only in the sunny season. Before each take to the streets, dampen hair with lemon juice. Under the influence of citric acid strands sun burn faster.
Discolor hair mask will help and yogurt. For its preparation take a spoon of shampoo that you use, add the juice of half a lemon, two tablespoons of brandy and seven spoons of yogurt. Mix well, apply on hair evenly, then put cellophane cap and shook his head with a towel. Mask can leave even for the whole night, as the longer the tool remains on the hair, the lighter they are.
Remember that you can not discolor hair, which has recently been painted or transferred perm. Better pozhdite two weeks, trying to recover them with masks and balms.