Highlighted locks must be placed by electrical appliances and hot rollers as little as possible. This is due to the fact that during thermal exposure horny scales are lifted, leading to thinning hair and section. In addition, you can simulate the hair wax and varnish weak fixation, are also suitable curlers from foam and curlers.
Once a week, pamper your hair greasy masks. Mix burdock and olive oil in equal proportions, add a few drops of essential oil of grapes and a capsule of vitamin E. Apply the mixture on dry hair, put on a hat. After 40-60 minutes, rinse thoroughly with his head. Already after the first treatment you will notice a visible improvement - will shine and elasticity.
A beneficial effect on hair streaked have fruit acids. Take half a grapefruit, one kiwi, banana and a tablespoon of olive oil. Chop the ingredients in a blender and put the resulting mass on the head. Hold 30 minutes.
When it's cold outside, wear a hat or other headgear. Frosty and too moist air damages melirovannye and dyed hair. The same applies to the sunny weather - Protect curls light hat or a cap. If you observe these rules of care, your curls will never resemble lifeless straw!