Radical diets using starvation, hard cuts diet, as well as mono-diet adversely affect the appearance - hair becomes weakened, begin to fall and break. If the diet is a necessity or a temporary measure, the condition of the hair can support a balanced diet. To suggest alternative food restriction is not difficult - just follow the necessary proportion and take into account the intake of all the necessary for hair growth substances.
Fruits, vegetables and herbs are often the basis of nutrition in order to maintain the slender forms. Add some protein foods - no animal protein hair starts to grow slowly, and then rapidly fall out.
Vitamins and minerals should be enough - iron deficiency makes hair secant and brittle, so iron-containing foods should be consumed daily. Calcium is also necessary to include in the diet - milk products, cheese, cheese. Phosphorus causes the strands to shine, so the diet is based on the best seafood affects the quality of hair. Vitamin E stimulates cell growth, so the salad dressing with olive oil.
The influence of external factors on the hair is huge. To create a reliable protection add to your diet citrus fruits (lemons, oranges) and green tea. Sharply limit the intake of sugar in the body - an excess causes distortion of the structure of the hair bulb. Replace sugar with honey, and your hair will become stronger and more resilient.
Thus, a diet for hair growth is a balanced diet made up allowing for the life of the organism. Alternation of several diets ("sea", kefir, fruit, protein) and use practices of days of receipt of all necessary promotes active hair growth components.