Decoctions of herbs to soften coarse hair

Decoctions of herbs to soften coarse hair
 Hard, dry, lifeless hair - is the result of frequent coloring, perms, styling use and exposure to adverse environmental factors. Soften the hair using special cosmetics or decoction, as did even our grandmothers.
 Tap water contains a large amount of various impurities: salts of heavy metals, chlorine and small foreign particles. If you regularly wash your hair with the mixture, the result will be the most disappointing. Therefore, we must first take care of the water softener.

Wash your hair with water only defended by dissolving it in a pinch of baking soda, a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar.

What decoctions of herbs can be used to mitigate and hair restoration.


Finely chop the plant, three tablespoons brew one liter of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes, strain. Use the infusion to rinse hair after each shampooing.


Boil 3 tablespoons dry raw one liter of boiling water. Insist 1-2 hours. Drain, rinse your hair.


This plant softens, strengthens hair and accelerates their growth, adds shine. To use the chop two tablespoons of burdock in a coffee grinder, brew one liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, drain, rinse hair after each use shampoo.


Nettle infusion softens even the toughest hair and restores its structure. To prepare the solution in the tank brew three tablespoons of minced raw one liter of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Use the broth in the form of heat after each daily shampooing.

Infusion of birch leaves

A handful of birch leaves brew a liter of boiling water. Use after each use shampoo.

General recommendations for the care of coarse hair

Never wash your hair with very hot or cold water. Use a mild shampoo. Wash your hair as often as necessary, not sunbathe on the beach without a hat, use styling products and hair dryer only when absolutely necessary.

Tags: hair, grass, broth, rinsing, softening