Traditional recipes firming masks for thin hair

Traditional recipes firming masks for thin hair
 Not many women can boast lush and thick mop of hair. However, rare and fine hair - it's not a death sentence. Reasonable tricks, tips and folk masks from natural ingredients will help you strengthen hair, give them volume and shape.
 First of all, sparse hair is necessary to ensure proper care. Wash your hair with water at a temperature close to body temperature (do not use hot water from this hair will start to fall even more). Rinse with clean water head cool, you can use mineral water without gas. Try as little as possible to use the pad hair straighteners, hair dryers and curlers.

Brandy Hair Mask

Mix in a glass bowl 50 grams of brandy, one egg yolk, a tablespoon of honey and vegetable oil. Add to the mix a small amount of shampoo for hair loss. Prepared mask and apply on hair roots, gently massage the scalp and put on plastic cap. Then wrap the head with a towel to keep warm. An hour later, rinse with cognac mask with an appropriate shampoo and plenty of lukewarm water. Two months later you will be able to see good results, the hair will become stronger, stop drop and start to rise.

Firming Mask for thin hair

Add a glass of fresh yogurt one egg yolk and a teaspoon of mustard powder. Apply the product evenly on the roots of your hair, keep the mask for ten minutes. With this you can feel the tingle of mustard, which provides a good blood supply hair roots. When the time rinse with warm water composition with shampoo, apply conditioner to the hair. Do not brush wet strands and refrain from using a hair dryer after such treatment.

Firming Oil Hair Mask

Excellent strengthens the hair, especially brittle and split ends next Mask: Separate one egg yolk and mix with a teaspoon of olive oil and the same amount of castor oil. All components mix thoroughly until smooth consistency, put on a mask cooked roots of the hair, massage your fingertips and spread the remains of the length of the strands. An hour later, rinse with lukewarm water with shampoo suitable for your hair type. If you suffer from dandruff, add to the mix a few drops of tea tree oil.

Almond Mask for strengthening thin hair

Grind in a blender or coffee grinder half cup of almonds and add to the resulting slurry a small amount of milk until thick liquid cream. Apply the mask on the hair roots and gently massage the scalp, the remains spread over the entire length. Leave the mask of almonds for two hours, then rinse with a familiar way. Almond mask not only strengthens the hair, but also good stimulates their growth.

Tags: hair, prescription, strengthening, mask, care