The best effect is achieved if you do them after a deep cleaning and hair restoration procedures. Strict adherence to schedule. Too frequent use of masks may lead to the fact that nutrients are absorbed cease and hairstyle will look untidy.
The stores sell ready-made tools. Find out whether the mask is an essential component, it is possible, seeing its composition.
Protein is rice, almond, wheat, milk, silk, etc.
Often it is sold in vials (e.g., wheat). The substance was added at a certain concentration in the finished tool.
Protein hair mask can be cooked at home.
Return the hair shine and moisturize their help mask with yogurt. This product contains milk proteins. In order to make the tool, warm cup of yogurt to about 35 degrees. Add one egg yolk. For long curls need two yolks.
The resulting mixture rub massaged into the scalp, then brush her hair. Wrap head with polyethylene and put on a warm scarf or hat. After half an hour rinse with warm water.
Saturate the hair protein will also help mask gelatin. Its regular use gives a stunning result. Hair becomes bulkier look shiny and healthy, easy to fit. Gelatin cover them with foil, rich in protein and restores the structure.
To prepare the tools take a small bag of gelatin - powder, pour the contents into a cup, add the egg yolk and 2-3 tablespoons shampoo, better child. If you have oily hair, take the whole egg.
Thoroughly mix all and leave for half an hour for swelling. Then apply the mixture on your hair, wrap head with polyethylene, to warm it. Half an hour later the mask rinse with cool water and shampoo. Repeat once a week until complete recovery of hair.