Looks good with short hair jagged bangs. To make the laying on wet hair, apply foam and with your fingers comb them, lifting at the roots. Bangs scroll using the gel, dry hair hairdryer and fix varnish.
Brush and hair dryers need for hair styling medium length, straight bangs that you want to moisten and dry, twisting inside. The bulk of the hair should be dry from the back, wrapping the ends out. Another option - is to make them perfectly smooth, straighten utjuzhkom. Also, medium-length hair can be curled in light curls, decorate hairpins, stylish bezel.
Put long hair with thick straight bangs easy if wet screwed them on large rollers. Stranded hair hair dryer to dry, then remove the curlers and comb them away from the face to the back of the head. Bangs should straighten utjuzhkom. In this hairstyle is interesting combination of large waves and smooth straight bangs.
Long hair can just straighten ironing, and moisten mousse bangs combed to the side and blow dry. For a more secure fit it is necessary to fix the paint.
If you remove the hair in a bun, then bangs can be put as follows. The upper part to be separated, divided into strands, fix the gel, and then each strand twist curling. Bangs will consist of two parts, the upper curled rings, flat bottom.
Give the image of coquetry and tenderness bang-pigtail. For this hairstyle remove hair in a ponytail and bangs comb out ahead. On the one side, start to braid pigtail in the usual way, then picks locks with bangs and braid technique "spike."