How to make curls utjuzhkom

How to make curls utjuzhkom
 Make elastic curls now possible with the help of hair straighteners. Paradox? The stunning result. If it is correct to use this tool.

Chic shiny elastic hair, beautiful flowing over his shoulders bewitch any man. To make such a stunning hairstyle, before I had to cheat curlers in the evening with curling irons or stand for two hours near the mirror. In this case, the result could not come up to expectations. Now help the girls came pad for straightening hair. It sounds paradoxical, but it works effectively.


How to make curls utjuzhkom

1. Good thermal protector spray the hair and comb it means.
2. Divide hair into several parts and kill the top, so as not to interfere.
3. Because of the remaining hair to highlight thin strand. The thinner the strand, the more quickly you will complete a separate lock, but the whole hairstyle will create longer.
4. Hold the iron lock middle or higher. Take the end of the strand and Wrap it around the ironing.
5. Do not slip through hair, make the hair iron turnover so that the tip of the strand between the plates and was hanging down. As shown in Figure 1.
6. Wait a second and slowly begin to slide along utjuzhkom strands, holding the tip stretched.
7. Once remove your pad, wrap a strand on the finger to the hair is fluffed.
8. The resulting curl sprinkle spray for hair styling.


Continue to curl so all strands. Once all the hair is curled, nacheshite massazhka strands from the inside, sprinkle spray for styling and not put the crown. After the spray dries, lower strands and lightly comb.


Now you can stab hair ornament with rhinestones, leave loose or do a high ponytail. In any case, now you look irresistible.

Tags: hair, curl, blow, pad, lock