If your hair curl, but you do not want to waste time on a daily laying them in a beautiful and comfortable hairstyle, make a cascading or layered haircut. The principle of the location of different length hair makes this hairstyle volume, and in the presence of his or chemically curled curls head will look as if you've just come out of a barbershop. All activities will be laying to fix varnish brushed against the growth of hair curls.
Voluminous curls for short hair are created using large rollers. The top layer of the hair, leave untouched - secure them to the top or build a rubber band. All that's left, screw on curlers suitable diameter - the longer the hair, the larger rollers may be. Twisted hair moisten means for fixing that does not stick hair, but gives them a bulk (mousse or foam). Direct the jet of hot air from a hair dryer on the hair, posushite them for a few minutes. Wait until hair is cool, then carefully remove the curlers, trying not to disturb the shape of curls. Comb brush them with a few bristles or leave so - treat hair lacquer.
Short hairstyles with curls can be made bigger if dry your hair after washing against their growth and lubricated before laying the roots of the hair with one hand cosmetic wax. He keeps good shape hair that little pripodnimut and hairstyle will look magnificent. To maintain healthy hair with regular use of styling products, make a hydrating mask, rinse them after washing and periodically arrange them rest - do not tease, dry naturally, do not use paint and other fixing structure.