First, wash the bleached hair should be no more than 3 times a week - more frequent treatments may cause dryness of the skin of the head, because the shampoo washes away sebum protects hair.
The second rule - an intensive nutrition and hydration. Chemicals affect the internal structure of the hair, making them brittle, dull and lifeless. Return the hair shine and health to help regular rinsing. You can use ready-made balms or prepare a composition for rinsing yourself (herbal infusions, a weak solution of vinegar or lemon juice, etc.). Catering hair provides frequent reducing mask containing burdock or castor oil, dairy wraps, fruit packs.
Bleached strands need to carefully comb - a violation of the porosity of the hair causes their rapid brittle, so proper brushing is an important point of departure for bleached hair. Before you comb your hair, sprinkle them with a special spray with silicone - comb will glide by dividing the mass into separate small strands. It is strictly forbidden to try to comb wet hair, even flavored balm and rectifier - in this condition they are easily drawn and can break off.
To get rid of split ends is necessary - you can have them regularly cut with scissors or undergo the procedure sealing tip ("hot scissors").
Many salons offer bleached blonde Biolaminirovanie - simple procedure provides weakened hair protection, nutrition and strengthening, and that is exactly what they need after bleaching. Every hair as a result of the procedure is enveloped with a protective film which keeps hair color, as if before it on the hair, apply the nutritional composition, the lamination will prolong their action for a few weeks. One procedure will solve all problems bleached hair - split ends, hair loss, loss of color, brittle and lack luster remain in the past.