How to make hair thick? - This question is not idle. Thick hair at all times regarded as one of the main decorations of women. In order to restore your hair, you need to be patient and take a number of measures to restore them. One of the causes of hair loss can be a lack of vitamins. Top aides for the growth and strengthening of hair are considered B vitamins, A, E and C. If you use vitamin complexes with calcium, it is not only the hair will become stronger and stronger, but also to strengthen nails and eyelashes.
In addition, you must do regular wrap and hair masks. And scalp massage. Let's start with the latter. There are two types of massage: rubbing and scratching. Rubbing do every morning. Rinse your hair with cool water and carefully, his head bowed down, rub with a towel. Do not worry if at first will fall too much hair, in a month you will notice that began to grow new hair. Rubbing stimulates blood flow to the scalp and hair follicles as if "wake up". Scratching is also recommended to carry out daily. Massage thick brush need to comb your hair in 4 directions: forward, backward, left and right. Each direction "comb" 100 times. You will immediately see that the hair will be shiny and manageable. In addition, it is an excellent exercises for the neck.
Thick hair and make a mask with burdock. Burdock oil increases blood circulation in the scalp, it improves metabolism, nourishes and strengthens hair roots. Hair must be washed and dry, then rub the oil into the hair roots and comb. Put on a plastic cap and wrap head with a towel. An hour later, rinse the mask. Do not forget shampoo, otherwise the hair will be greasy.
Also helps compress and juniper and birch leaves. At ½ cup ½ cup of juniper and birch leaves take 3 liters of water. All that is necessary to boil for 5 minutes. Wrap the pan and put it stand for an hour. After that, strain the broth and wash them down.
Another tool that will helpmake hair thick - Onion juice. Means radically, to be honest, but effective. True to use onion juice better on Friday night, a weekend if nothing is planned, as the smell of onions badly washed out. So, one onion rubbed on a fine grater, squeeze the juice. 4 parts onion take one part of brandy and rub the mixture into the scalp. Dress cap, you can simply go wool and 30 minutes, then wash off. Excellent tool to strengthen the roots and hair and stimulate their growth.
Of "cognac" series I have another recipe that will help answer the question:how to make hair thick? Take 1 egg yolk, mix well and add 1 tablespoon of brandy. For sheer good, you can drop a couple of drops of vitamin E. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp, put on a plastic cap, all wrapped up with a towel for an hour. My hair shampoo, rinse decoction of nettles.
Another recipe: 20 g of thyme, 20 g. Willow Bark, 20 gr. oak pour into a saucepan and pour 1 liter of water. Boil and simmer for 15 minutes to insist. Strain, cool and rub into the scalp every day for about a week. Then take a small break. During which time, apply the mask of yogurt or sour cream. It's pretty simple - the existing product is rubbed into the scalp for 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water, preferably with baby shampoo and rinse with acidified with boiled water. Acidified water is not difficult to do: 1 liter of water take ½ lemon. Squeeze out the juice and apply.
To strengthen the hair female JustLady site recommends the use of just such a mask: 1 teaspoon of castor oil mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of aloe vera. Apply the mask to the roots of the hair should be distributed evenly over the entire length. Wrap your head for an hour and rinse with warm water acidulated with a neutral shampoo.
For those who have time to spare, but who wants to havethick hair we can recommend a very simple option. Use essential oils to enrich shampoos and hair masks ready. On our site JustLady have detailed descriptions of the properties of essential oils, and you can always find suitable for your composition. To enrich for 10-15 ml of shampoo take 3-5 drops of essential oils, mix thoroughly and my head. And remember, if you want the hair was always in order not have to go without a warm winter hat and summer without a hat, protect the beauty of your hair and you'll always look beautiful and young.
Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady