How to make a hair-snail

How to make a hair-snail
 Hairstyle-snail is very original. It will be a very stylish look like on a weekday and a holiday. This presentation is excellent harmony with the dress in antique style and open evening dress. But it can only be done at the thick hair, the length of which should be below the shoulders.
 To create hairstyles-snails required hairpins, invisible and hairspray. Divide the hair into sections with the center on the top line to the circle of hair growth. Use the radial devices. If your hair is unruly and thin, use foam or mousse to the hair.

Leave the hair on the top portion, with a diameter of about 5 cm. Each of the screw into a tight roll, starting from the center of the head and moving to the forehead, neck and ears. Tighten up rollers until they twist into a so-called "astrakhan" loop. At the end of each snail make and fix on the start line of hair growth in small studs. The hair at the crown and tighten the same way.

Can be done differently. Start spinning roller in the direction from the start line up hair growth. All rollers are connected at the top and form of these astrakhan pattern that fix invisible. If your hair is long, then on top of the bundles can be formed surround beam. In this case, use of fixing means for forming the roller. The base of the beam or kill the invisible mask flashy jewelry.

Hairstyle-snail has several variants. Is a very popular option hairstyle, based on a French braid. With this method, divide the hair parted in the middle. Further from the center of the head in a circle braid French braid. To spit was smooth and beautiful, it is necessary to take the hair only from the outside. Braided braid as long as it does not capture all of the hair. After that the usual braid braid, ponytail which hide under the last row of braided tresses.

It is likely that nice and neat hair-snail you will not soon. Pre recommended several times to practice to hone your skills.

Tags: hair, hairstyle, snail