How to choose termobigudi

How to choose termobigudi
 All lovers of fast curled hair know the benefits of heated rollers. They allow you to create a bulk hair or curls in the short term, it does not require a lot of effort and time. This is especially important in the morning or in preparation for a party. For example, the rollers can carry out their work at a time until you apply makeup.
 Termobigudi are of two kinds. One of them is dipped in hot water, and then the hair is wound on them. These curlers are not very comfortable as they can exceed the required temperature of heating and hair retain moisture. Better and more efficiently with electrically heated hair rollers. They are more expensive, but safer for hair, because they have controlled heating.

When selecting termobigudi important to determine their size. Smaller diameter leads to small wave, and she kept a little longer than waving large curlers. Large diameter makes it not so much curled hair, how to make them more voluminous and fluffy. If you use hot rollers of small diameter, after curling get small curls. When winding strands to large hot rollers hair fall on the shoulders of smooth lush waves.

Those with short hair, it is better to refrain from acquiring too small curlers, curling after another will blow in afrostile. It is better to use a medium-sized hot rollers, hair will become so desired waviness and lay down smoothly.

If you like to experiment, you can stay on a set of hot rollers, which includes rollers with different diameters. In this case, you can always pick up the required size and make any conceived styling.

There are hot rollers for professional and home use. If you buy them for yourself, then you should choose a home version. Professional models worth buying if you constantly perform perm several times a day.

Hot rollers, as well as other apparatus for stacking, damaging hair. In order to reduce their negative impact termobigudi purchase, which can control the degree of heating depending on the type of hair. Do not forget about the time of impact. When buying advise you to carefully read the instructions and make sure that you buy a product meets your needs.

Tags: choice, hot rollers, hot rollers