For dry hair shampoo is necessary to choose the right. The most optimal for this type of hair are shampoos, which include: vegetable oils (jojoba, coconut, almond, shea, etc.), seaweed extracts, medicinal herbs. These shampoos have a sparing effect on the scalp, does not dry it.
After washing the hair with shampoo should be applied to the hair balm, it is maintained as specified in the instructions of time and then thoroughly rinsed with water. Once a week to do a mask for dry hair. During the day, you can sprinkle the hair moisturizing spray.
Use a hair dryer, hair iron for hair straightening, curling, owners of dry hair should not be. In those cases where it is impossible to avoid the use Termopribor should be applied to the hair Heat protective agent.
Do not neglect the popular beauty recipes, such as homemade hair masks. They nourish dry hair over the entire length, fill them with moisture.
To get a hydrating mask, you need to warm up the yogurt to make it warm, but not hot, apply it on your hair. On top of the treated hair, wear a plastic cap, and then warming cap.
After 20 minutes, the hair should be lubricated again curdled, and gently massage the scalp, then rinse hair with warm water with a small amount of shampoo.
A common problem that accompanies dry hair, dandruff is. To cope with it will help mask based on castor oil. Tablespoon of oil to be mixed with the juice of half a lemon. The finished mixture is rubbed into the scalp, balances distribute through hair. Keep the mask must be 20 minutes, then rinse.
Nourishing Hair Mask restore parched hair mask will need one egg yolk, 2 tsp mayonnaise and 2 tsp honey. All components must be mixed together until smooth. Ready composition applied to the entire length of the hair and left on for half an hour.