Nanomaks find the perfect solution for the salon business. At the same time it is quite accessible at the level of home care.
Today strengthen hair in a short time was really due to the emergence of a unique ion Nanomolecular technology. The system is a professional nanomax promising line of care for damaged hair. Conventional tools created for hair care, are much less effective than products containing nanoparticles. Sensational discoveries and achievements of nanotechnology derived hair care at the current level, because in search of the elixir of health research and hair were spent millions of dollars.
Typical liquid detergents and conditioners, unlike the system nanomax, are unable to penetrate deep into the hair structure. Nanoparticles can strengthen and restore the hair from within, resulting in it acquires beauty and health. By using this product, the effect can be seen after the first procedure.
Thanks to the nanomax, restore your hair has become much easier and faster, and professional hairdressers have received unparalleled opportunities to provide customers with the recovery and improve the structure of the hair.
The new technology allows to effectively influence the structure of hair. With the help of aerosols nanomolecules able to penetrate deeply into the hair and "find" there damaged areas. Accumulate inside the rod, they try to enter into its structure. Wherein hair is restored, both inside and outside. This procedure is much more efficient liquid masks or sera that is generally applied to the damaged hair. Depending on how long hair or not, the procedure takes from half an hour to 50 minutes. The composition of aerosols include keratin, which tones and restores hair and, moreover, is responsible for the moisture balance and affects the elasticity and manageable hair. In addition to keratin, there are wheat proteins that contain a powerful antioxidant, vitamin E, as well as caviar extract, which is the basis Nanomaks care products.
To ensure the maximum degree of hair restoration procedures Nanomaks selected based on the individual characteristics of each customer.