Separate hair shaft is composed of flakes. Healthy hair is like a pillar, which scales fit tightly. When hair is exposed to sunlight, wind, or paint, they become rough, their tips stratified, lost luster. Lamination - ion is enveloping the hair. Every hair covered with a special cellulose film, a task which align and smooth the hair surface. Breathable microfilm opposes any damage. The result of the procedure are healthy, voluminous, shiny hair. Curly hair is straight after the procedure, they simply gain shine and volume.
Today, there is a color lamination, select the desired color to help master beauty salons dealing with lamination.
Color lamination is good because it provides 100% gray hair coloring, in addition, the hair is not injured. Color will gradually washed away from the hair, but it will not happen immediately, but over time. Lamination is recommended to repeat the procedure once a month.
Time of the procedure - one hour and kept it until the effect of 6 weeks. Subsequently, the hair remains more manageable volume and shiny. This is due to the fact that the application of a special formula strengthens the hair along the entire length, proglazhivaya scales and making inaccessible influence of weather conditions and harmful cosmetics.
Today laminate is becoming very popular procedure to strengthen the hair, not only for celebrities and stars, but also for ordinary working women who dream to have beautiful healthy hair.
Having decided on the procedure lamination, choose a real professional.