How to maintain healthy hair

How to maintain healthy hair
 The appearance of your hair depends on the methods that you use in caring for them, and the general condition of the whole organism. Healthy hair can be given to you by nature or become a fair reward for many years of careful maintenance. Much easier to keep them in excellent condition, than to spend many months of hard work, returning to hair well-groomed appearance.
 None of the most expensive shampoo, shower gel or mask will not do for your hair as much as daily proper nutrition. Eat a variety of healthy foods that are also good for the skin and nails. Every day, eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This fish, such as tuna, salmon, mackerel; flaxseed oil, walnuts, and almonds, milk. Include in the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits - they are rich in folic acid. Meat, poultry, milk, legumes contain the necessary "building material", because the hair on the 78% protein. Drink plenty of water - its share is significant 16%.

Wash your hair with lukewarm water. This is one of the most common mistakes - use expensive shampoos, but rinse them with hot shower. If you like "hotter", wear a hat on his head and nezhtes shower at your leisure. Only cool, and best of all - cold water closes the hair cuticle, allowing them to retain needed moisture.

The best way to dry your hair - let them do it naturally. Do not rub your hair with a towel, but only remove excess moisture from them neat blotting movements. If you do not have time, use the hair dryer only after the cause for hair sprays special overload. The same applies to a variety of devices for styling with heating elements.

Style your hair with the help of various foams, forceps, ironing and the like 3-4 times a week. In the remaining days of long hair in a braid braid, short stabs pins. Wear scrunchy, covered only natural fabrics.

Protect your hair from the sun and the temperature difference. Wear summer silk scarves or hats light, use the air conditioner with SPF. Do not go in the winter with her head uncovered. In the rain do not neglect umbrellas, let you and it seems that it only "spitting".

Hair consists of dead cells, they only live roots, so nourishes the scalp, give her a massage. Masks applied to the entire length of hair, but did not get to the roots, practically useless.

Comb wet hair just fine toothed comb, dry - combs made of natural bristles.

Sleep on pillows with silk or satin pillowcase. Natural cotton, unfortunately, actively absorbs moisture.

Tags: hair, health, care