The easiest way to care for your hair with a linseed oil is massaging it into the hair and scalp. This procedure is carried out several times a week for 15 minutes, significantly improve the condition of the hair, give them volume and shine, prevents dandruff.
Currently, there are many recipes for cooking at home hair masks based on linseed oil. For example, to protect the hair from the negative influence of the environment (heat, strong wind, sun, etc.) need to mix two teaspoons of flaxseed oil, 15 drops of castor and two drops of camphor. Made in this way is necessary to put the mask on his head and hold it lightly wrapped his head for half an hour.
Popular and hair mask, which are components of linseed oil and lemon juice, taken in the ratio 1: 2, and mashed egg yolk. First, you must wash your hair, and then distribute the resulting mixture over the entire length of hair and head warm. After half an hour is required to rinse the head with warm water. The action exerted by this mask on your hair very effectively. After several sessions of hair and scalp is fully enriched with vitamins and trace elements due to the nutritional properties of flaxseed oil, after which the state head of hair noticeably improved.
To speed up the process of hair growth, you need to mix in equal parts of linseed oil with vodka. The resulting mixture is well rubbed into the scalp and are applied to the hair, after which the heater is kept under half an hour.
It's not hard to cook and such a mask with firming and nourishing action: 4 teaspoons of flaxseed oil and three teaspoons of glycerin. This mixture should be rubbed into the scalp and leave for the night. After two weeks of state weakened hair normal.