Vitamins for hair loss after childbirth

Vitamins for hair loss after childbirth
 After giving birth, women are often faced with the problem of hair loss intensity. This is due to hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy, after childbirth and lactation. In addition, hair loss is often caused by malnutrition, lack of sleep, stress, accompanying young mothers, as well as a lack of vitamins and minerals, the lack of which must be replenished.
 During pregnancy, a large amount of nutrients entering the body of the future mother, is spent on the provision of food baby. After birth, a vitamin and mineral balance is gradually restored, but it happens for a long time (from several months to several years). In addition, a lot of nutrients in breast milk goes through breastfeeding, and the mother takes the body a kind of signals about vitamin deficiency, particularly hair loss.

During lactation, doctors recommend for young mothers to take special multivitamin for pregnant and lactating, and whether, in what is feeding the baby - breast or artificial. The range of vitamin and mineral complexes is quite wide, and not to be mistaken with the choice, it is better to consult a doctor.

However, the complex preparations characterized by the content of useful substances. To emphasize the strengthening and growth of hair after childbirth, it is necessary to focus on the presence in the required for that vitamins and minerals.

In particular, the most important for healthy hair are vitamin B complex, activates blood circulation, strengthen and promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. A significant role is also played by vitamin A, has a beneficial effect on the hair roots, vitamin E, responsible for hair nutrition, vitamin H, gives hair fluffiness, and vitamin F, which eliminates breakage and dull hair and indispensable in the fight dandruff.

In addition to vitamins the body after childbirth essential minerals, especially iron, lack of which can cause an increased loss of hair due to insufficient blood supply to the scalp. When choosing a mineral complex should pay attention to the presence in the calcium, manganese, potassium, zinc, prevents hair loss, as well as silicon, copper and cobalt, iron absorption and ensuring the flow of blood to the head to stimulate growth, strong and elastic hair.

Taking synthetic vitamins, do not forget about the natural entering the body with food, so you need to include in the diet of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, greens, walnuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, dairy products, meat, fish and poultry, liver. However, breastfeeding a young mother should pay attention to the reaction of the kid to a particular product that it gets through the milk to eliminate possible allergens.

Tags: hair, race, Ambassador, loss, lack of vitamin, multivitamin