There are so many ways to curl curls beautiful, even at home. Undisputed "leader" here are curlers. Curlers are available in almost every woman, and if they do not, curlers can buy in any specialty store at a reasonable price. Bobbins, thermo-curlers, hair curlers, Velcro, hair curlers, boomerangs - all these different types of curlers that will allow you to achieve the desired curls. The basic rule is as follows: the smaller the diameter of the rollers, the smaller curls are obtained.
Also among the ways a home perm curls popular variety of technical devices such as curling, styler, hair dryer and a round hairbrush. With curling you can create a clear, graphically curls, hair dryer and a comb, on the contrary, choosing lovers living and flowing curls. Styler is sufficiently versatile tool curls depends on the nature of the nozzle you select.
But all home methods will provide you with magnificent hair only 1-2 days, and then have to repeat the whole process. If you want to achieve long-term effect of curly hair, consult a salon perm methods. Even our grandmothers did, the so-called "chemistry" - perm hair. This service is now popular in salons, but preparations for the "chemistry" became more modern and gentle. Advantage is permed longest effect of curly hair, but at the same time, this method has a maximum detrimental effect on the health of the hair.
Salons offer and more sparing methods for creating curls: carving, biozavivka Japanese perm, etc. Such methods are less harmful, but also the effect lasts only 2-4 months.