To strengthen the hair and stimulate their growth, try the most effective homemade mask. Take two tablespoons of mustard, mix them with egg yolk. Try to separate the yolk from the protein very carefully, so that the contents of the mask did not get protein or protective film. Mix thoroughly. Then add two tablespoons of water and the same burdock oil. As a result, you should get a homogeneous mixture creamy.
Apply the mask on hair partings on the scalp, light massage movements. Put on your head plastic cap, then wrap a warm towel. The optimal duration of exposure mask - 1 hour. Listen to your feelings. You should feel a pleasant warmth. Susceptibility to this mask depends on the sensitivity of the scalp, receptacles, individual tolerance components. If there is a strong burning sensation that is difficult to endure, immediately wash off the mask: otherwise you get a skin burn.
If you do not feel any warmth or tingling for hours, next time add a little sugar to mask. It will increase the action of mustard, and the effect will be more pronounced.
Rinse off the mask must be cautious. Try to keep the water from the hair does not fall into the eye. You can do this by tilting your head above the bath or the shower head thrown back. After a thorough rinse wash your hair in the usual way.
Mask of mustard will not only strengthen the hair and prevent hair loss, but also "wake up" inactive hair follicles. Make a mask once a week 1, and in a month you will see that the hair is almost stopped falling out and notice the appearance of new ones.