Short hair styling method is as follows. First, the hair should be a kind of "comb" hairdryer as they will eventually be laid. And then blow the hair against the direction of growth to increase. A jet of hot air during application should be directed tangentially to the bit head to the skin is not subjected to excessive thermal effects. Another rule: do not keep long hair in one direction.
Dry short hair need not to end. When they have become slightly wet, it is necessary to cause the roots to the foam or spray to maintain volume and only then to finish drying. Secure stacking need to varnish or other locking means.
Styling long hair takes a little differently. First, it is recommended to dry hair as follows:
- Flip your head down and blow hot air stream from the roots to the tips. Thus it is necessary to comb the comb against their growth. Semi-dry hair then you need to finally get laid. So you'll get a neat lush styling.
- If you want to give the effect of clutter, you must first put on hair mousse and promyat their hands. Then gently press down the hair to the head and fix their hair dryer, warm air stream. Thus able to get relaxed natural styling.
Remember, daily hair styling hair dryer weaken, so it is important to eat properly, to receive the required amount of hair vitamins. You also need to use protective hair products: all kinds of masks, mousses, gels.