Hair mask with aloe cook simply, you just squeeze the juice from the plant, and mix it with additional ingredients. Thus, the older the plant itself, the more useful substances therein. In order to get the aloe juice, crushed leaves of the plant must be grated or scroll them through a meat grinder. The resulting pulp squeeze through several layers of gauze or a bandage. Since the plant is quite juicy, then for making masks only one of two small leaves.
For preparing the stimulation of hair growth mask 15 grams of juice, mixed with the same amount of castor oil and one chicken egg yolk. There also added a couple of cloves of crushed garlic. The mask has a very special smell, so it should not be done just before going out. However, after using the air conditioner for the hair odor disappears easily.
Aloe hair greasy cooked with honey and lemon juice. To this end, all components are taken in equal proportions, mixed and distributed over the entire length of the hair.
For dry hair aloe juice is diluted in the same amount of olive oil or any other vegetable oil. To enhance the effect of nutrient mask you can add a few drops of vitamin A and E, is sold in pharmacies in liquid form. You can mix aloe juice with sour cream or yogurt with the addition of burdock or castor oil.
In order to make the hair more healthy enough for a month before every wash head applied for 30-40 minutes on the basis of the composition of aloe juice and herbal infusions. To do this in a water bath is prepared decoction of chamomile flowers and roots of burdock, which are taken in an amount of 100 grams of dry matter per 200 grams of water. After boiling broth is removed from the heat, insist quarter of an hour, filtered and mixed with 30 grams of aloe juice, two yolks quail eggs and spoon of castor oil. Past month use of such masks hair grow stronger and become more healthy.
Universal nourishing mask for all hair types - a mixture of aloe juice with the same amount of heavy cream and a teaspoon of brandy.