Buy at the pharmacy burdock or castor oil. Apart from the fact that the oil will help you regain natural hair color, it has a great impact on strengthening the hair, and therefore very useful. Rub the butter into the hair and shook his head with a towel. Keep the oil mask, and only 4.3 hours then rinse balsam or specially prepared solution of water and an infusion of chamomile. Also in infusion for rinsing can add a few drops of lemon juice.
In addition, you can try to wash off the paint, coating the hair kefir or yogurt. Make kefir mask and keep it on your head under the heater two or three hours. Also repeated for several days until the tone paint will not be paler and disappears completely.
Good effect in this situation will have a honey - thick smear honey hair, shook his head tightly wrap and a warm cloth and leave it as long as possible, preferably overnight, then wash off in the morning. Applying honey mask for a few days (up to weeks), you wash away paint. Honey Mask is considered one of the most effective to wash the paint failure and restore hair color.
Using folk remedies regularly and putting a mask every day, you pretty quickly return the hair of their normal color and healthy appearance.