We must remember that you can not use henna after chemical zavivok or other procedures with hair and is not recommended to put it on already painted artificial dyes hair. The result can manifest itself in the form of irregularities or even dyed green hair. If this happens, there is a need to quickly remove paint. Henna - extremely resistant dye, and completely remove it difficult, if not impossible. The fact that in its structure are essential oils and tannins, which are tightly secured to the strands. But there are folk recipes that will help greatly muted color of henna.
Make a mask for hair with sour cream - apply on hair cream (preferably old), put on his head a cap of polyethylene and Wrap a towel. Hold hour, then rinse with warm water. Red color is noticeably less bright. Instead of sour cream can be used kefir, adding 40 grams per cup of yeast. This mixture can be kept a couple of hours. Apply on hair warmed honey, wrap in foil and leave overnight (or for 8-10 hours).
Take any oil - the best olive oil, burdock or flaxseed. Apply it on your hair and wear a hat. Rinse 2-3 hours shampoo for oily hair. If these methods do not help, wash head soap. It is also possible to lubricate the hair alcohol flakes which discloses hair. After these procedures, be sure to make a mask of oil or other nourishing mask.
Make acetic bath - in a basin of water, pour three tablespoons of vinegar and rinse your hair for 15 minutes. The water then turns yellow. After several such procedures will be much paler color.
If all else fails, we can only try to dye her hair a darker color. There is a possibility that it will fall unevenly, but in any case will look better than green.
All these procedures should be carried out in the first weeks after staining, when the color is not yet fully entrenched.