What to do if the results of another experiment were more than sad? Well, firstly, it is necessary to wipe away the tears, to assess the "scale of the disaster" and start acting. Secondly, you need to realize that ultimately failed to get rid of the color - not so easy, but it is possible.
Even on the road, FurLand result is not guaranteed. In addition, the disposal of paint "radical" salon methods may be irreparably ruin the hair. And then for a very long time will have to buy medical masks and balms reduction in extreme quantities. Therefore, if you are determined to get rid of the hated color, better to do it at home.
In large stores of cosmetics sold means to restore hair color. Start with them. As a rule, these means are produced in the form of a mousse or fluids. In order to "otmylas" the whole head, use a sponge: Apply a reductant to the sponge and spread it means the entire length of hair. Choose strand by strand. Take your time. Once the process all the hair, and means will act, rinse and repeat.
There are several reliable and proven "folk remedies" that can help you cope with this problem. Just do not expect miracles: the process will certainly take some time. So here we go:
Take any vegetable oil, mix it with brandy or beer. Rub the mixture into your hair and leave it for three hours, wash your hair soap several times. Rinse with water or a decoction of chamomile. Rinse chamomile gives lightening effect.
Another option to do daily mask of kefir or yogurt. Keep them on the hair you need at least one and a half hours. This way, perhaps the only "home" for those who dye hair colors with oils.
And most importantly - stop panic and despair! Even with a bad hair color - you are beautiful!