Eyebrows at home

Eyebrows at home
 Eyebrows can beautify the face as well as to spoil it. The approach to cosmetic procedures with them need special attention. The standard of beauty at all times is considered black, beautifully arched eyebrows. And in order to obtain such, does not necessarily go to a salon. Adjust and paint eyebrows can own, at home.

First you need to choose paint for eyebrows. To do this you need to go in the perfume department. Note that this means - is a standalone product, no need for this purpose use a regular hair dye. Especially that the choice of special dyes today is quite diverse. Paints and eyebrows have different colors, and disposable / reusable, in the form of powder, gel, and other options. You can choose any of them. Especially because in the modern trends now fashionable to paint the eyebrows to match your hair (exception - blonde).

Need to paint already corrected eyebrows. Before you start staining need to make sure that the shape of the latter is the one that suits you. If not, you must first remove unwanted hair, and only then start to paint eyebrows.

Before directly staining need to prepare the necessary tools. To independently carry out the procedure will need:

-vatnye sticks (as an option - eyelash brush or spatula with serrated end). These tools are needed for applying ink;
-Ceramic or glass containers, not metal (oxidized). Need for mixing paint;
fatty cream or jelly. Needs to be protected from unnecessary staining the skin around the eyebrows;
-vatnye disks or napkins. Useful after painting.

Paint Divorce instruction that is attached to it. Use diluted mixture should immediately without letting it stand. Color should start with a generous lubrication brow area with a cream or liquid paraffin. Gaining paint stick and a thick layer on the hairline is applied to the eyebrows. Staining time - 10-15 minutes.

After that, the paint is removed with a dry cotton swab and washed well with eyebrows with warm running water. If the dye still gets on your skin, it must be clean swab liberally smeared with fat cream.

After staining, to consolidate the results make good oil mask. It consists of: 5 grams of castor, 10 grams of sunflower oil, 10 grams of peach or linseed oil and 1-2 drops of camphor. Such a composition perfectly nourish eyebrows and provide them with additional protection.

Tags: paint, pets, condition, eyebrow tool staining