How to make hair shiny at home

How to make hair shiny at home
 Shiny, soft, luxurious curls - the pride of the fair half of mankind. If your hair is lost luster and become dull - it's frustrating, but it is fixable. Lack luster - is a definite symptom that should make you think about the daily routine and hectic lifestyle.
 If your hair lacks luster - pay attention to their health and condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Lack luster can provide a variety of diseases, including hormonal changes the body, and slags. To identify the causes of dull colors go to trihologu, let the doctor do the analysis and give you their verdict, and along with instructions on how to care for your hair.

Do not forget about the defense. One of the reasons tarnish their hair may become too dry in summer. Do not forget the summer cover the head from the sun and use moisturizers - they will protect and soften the hair and give it shine.

Eat and drink vitamins. Watch your diet, it should be the amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. If you can not stick to a healthy diet and eat enough fruits, vegetables and fish - regularly drink vitamins.

A sufficient amount of sleep hours. Chronic fatigue, stress and lack of sleep really affect the condition of hair and beauty.

Less likely to use traumatic means. Of course, the constant use of curlers, hair dryer, ploek, frequent coloring and perming also adversely affect the health of the hair, and only healthy strands will be beautiful and shiny.

Make regular care. That hair delight you with their views, help them, nourish and do not be lazy to care. The evening before bedtime, do yourself a head massage, it will improve blood circulation and nourish the hair roots with nutrients. Take the mask and rinse.

Masks for hair shine

Take four tablespoons of brandy, add one raw egg and whisk thoroughly. Rub the mixture into the roots, then spread over the entire length, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head hot towel. Hold the mask for 25-30 minutes and rinse with warm water, then rinse with cold.

Mask for blondes

Take one cup of strong chamomile cooled broth, put on clean hair. Put on a plastic cap, wrap your head in a warm towel and hold the mask 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water and a mild shampoo.

Mask for brunettes

Take two tablespoons of unsweetened brewed coffee and spread them one cup of boiling water, strain and cool. Apply the mask on clean hair, put on a plastic cap, wrap your head in a warm towel and hold the mask 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water and a mild shampoo.

Mask red

Take a beet and carrot juice in a ratio of 1: 1, apply the mixture on your hair, put on a plastic cap and a 5-minute warm head hairdryer. Then wrap your head in a warm towel and hold the mask for another 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Lemon rinse for all hair types

Dissolve citric acid in a ratio of 1 tablespoon to 1 liter of water and rinse after shampooing hair with this solution. Citric acid smooth the hair scales and give them a wonderful shine.

Tags: hair, home, pets, condition, mask, shine, care