In category Beauty: How to grow your nails
In fact, if you decide to grow your hair, you will have to take serious measures. And we should begin primarily with care.
A revision in the bathroom. Look to see if the shampoo that you use for your hair type. If not, change it immediately. And best of all buy another, specially designed by professionals for solving this problem. But that's not all. You will also be useful to have in the arsenal of special mask for strengthening hair balm or conditioner after wash. Another good thing to buy a lotion that you rub into the scalp, to accelerate the process.
If you are bound to decide grow long hairThen you come to the aid funds for hair growth in ampoules, which produce many well-known companies.
Inspect styling. Firstly, foams and other means must be composed of components which protect hair from thermal effects. To find them is not so difficult - on sale there are specially labeled cans. Secondly, hairspray should ensure their protection from harmful influences on these properties, manufacturers are also reported on the package. And thirdly, from this moment you will have less to use different plates, curling irons and other devices - they are quite damaging hair. If possible, just remove the gum out of sight, barrettes and other means for tightening, twisting and binding the hair.
Visit the pharmacy. It is understood that grow long hair, And rather quickly, without any special vitamins will not work. Buy special, or at least a good vitamin B complex, as well as preparations of calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc. Although, if you really want to get good results, it is better to spend money on a special course.
Do not lose heart. That is to massage your scalp. You can prodelyvat his daily massage with the help of a brush. Or you can perform a longer massage while rubbing therapeutic agents. Now you can also purchase a variety of machines and devices for this purpose. If you've already thought about it, now is the time to do it.
Enroll in a beauty salon. Salon treatment is also great help grow long hair. Here you can offer a special course or massage mesotherapy. Agree. Your hair like never needed strength and health. And these procedures will help to improve blood flow to the scalp, hair follicles nutrition. You can also take a course of spa treatments - mask with essential oils and healing ointments work wonders.
Go to the hairdresser. You'd be surprised, but a visit to the hairdresser will now become a monthly ritual. It is proved that the hair grow better if they regularly cut, at least for a couple of millimeters. Even better, helps to strengthen hair haircut hot scissors. Thus, the end of the hair as it is sealed, and all the nutrients remain inside. This is exactly what you need.
Pay a visit to a bookstore. Here you special services not offered, but not in a hurry to leave. Select for themselves a good guide to herbal medicine. There you will find a lot of folk ways grow hair. After studying the material, again go to the pharmacy. Now for the herbs.
Well, until you have mastered this science, I offer a few good recipes for hair growth.
As a folk remedy to grow hair
Helps to quicklygrow long hair onion juice. Just chop the onion and rub the scalp resulting mush. Then you need to wrap your hair and walk a couple of hours. If you will not take your time, it is possible and more. Most often, after such a mask hair did not smell like onions. But if you think that the smell is, soak them with lemon juice.
Great helper fashionable women in earlier times were castor oil and burdock. They have the ability to strengthen and nourish the hair, dandruff cure.
Hair growth also stimulates the soap from birch or juniper tar.
Can be rubbed into the scalp essential oil of birch buds. Said to be very willing to help quickly grow long hair.
For washing the hair 2 times a week is good to apply a decoction of hops and calendula. To make it, take a tablespoon of hop cones and a teaspoon of calendula flowers. Mixture pour a liter of boiling water and let cool. It is considered very effective tool and is recommended even if baldness.
If you take up the matter seriously, you will not regret the time and effort, it will soon become the owner of lush mane shiny and long hair.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady