Components for masks as many lots -Mask hair at home can be made from vegetables, fruits, herbs, vegetable and essential oils and other natural supplements.
Homemade masks for oily hair type
• Take the following ingredients and make them blend: 1 teaspoon of aloe juice, honey, lemon, garlic juice, egg yolk. Mask for twenty to thirty minutes is applied to the hair roots. Wash the hair with shampoo and rinse herbal (recipes will be given below).
• Mix 1 tsp honey, lemon juice, garlic juice and agave juice. This is a mask for the hair roots.
By the way, in many recipes featured garlic or onion juice - they are very effectively strengthen the hair. But now many young ladies scares unpleasant smell, which then will come from the hair. Journal JustLady tell you how to solve this problem. Firstly, essential oils. Take your favorite oil, dilute it in the basis and add to bowl with water. This rinse hair, and from them will come a nice aroma. Secondly, many women are advised to kill the smell of onions or garlic mustard - you can make it a liquid slurry and wash this hair. If bakes - then dissolve it in a basin. Then again rinse the hair with clean water.
• Very effectivehomemade hair masks with clay - it cleans the scalp, reduces fat, cleans clogged pores, removes dandruff. Especially useful for oily hair (however, and in other types of hair when applied to the roots of the clay only) blue clay. Dilute it with warm water, better milk, yogurt, herbal or green tea, add the egg yolk and essential oil. You can use only one clay, diluted with water, but it is much more effective to flavor other useful components. If you do dryish hair, you can put them on a warm vegetable oil (olive, jojoba, etc.).
• Egg and Honey
homemade hair masks very well nourishes and cleanses the hair. Mix two egg yolks with honey and rub into the roots of the hair, and then distribute and hair. After half an hour, rinse shampoo.
• Everyone is familiar with and use the mask of kefir or yogurt. Put them on your hair and wash after 15-20 minutes
• Greasy hair rinse recommend herbal infusions. Suitable oak bark, calendula, onion peel, chamomile, plantain.
Homemade hair mask dry type
• Make a mixture of castor oil, burdock oil and lemon juice. Add oil as enough to rub into the scalp and distribute through hair.
• Crumble rye bread, pour boiling water and infuse for several hours. In the pulp add egg yolk, rub into the hair roots. After this home hair masks can not even use shampoo - hair and so wonderful promoyut. You can do this mask every week.
• Mix a tablespoon of honey, egg yolk and a tablespoon of aloe. Keep the mask for 20-30 minutes.
• 2 egg yolks mixed with 2 tsp honey and burdock oil can drip into a mixture of your favorite essential oil (about what EM is better suited for dry hair, you can read in the magazine JustLady).
Homemade hair masks depleted and damaged
• Very effective following mask with rye bread. Make a collection of nettle, plantain and chamomile. One tablespoon pour boiling water and infuse for 2 hours. Strained infusion pour crushed rye bread crumb. Mush apply on hair roots, the remaining extract (which remains on pulp) saturate hair Wrap their cap or a piece of cellophane. Hold the mask infantry least an hour. Doing it regularly, you just marvel at how shiny and elastic will your hair. They just come to life before our eyes!
• Restore hair structure helps this mask: Mix 1 tbsp honey and 1 tsp castor oil and aloe. If your hair is long, then take more ingredients to be enough and the roots, and the entire length. Hair shampoo rinse after 40 minutes. With regular use, the structure of the hair is restored, it becomes strong and elastic.
Very useful for any type of hair henna. Even the girl-blonde can do on the basis of hennaMask hair at home. For example: Mix a tablespoon of colorless henna with yogurt, egg yolk and honey. The mixture is washed off in 1-2, you can not even use shampoo.
For girls with dark hair suits any type of henna. Especially if you do not mind to give your hair a beautiful shade. You can make a mask: a tablespoon henna brew strong tea, add egg yolk, yogurt, cocoa powder, 1 ch. L. vitamin A oil and 1 hour. L. sea buckthorn oil. Warm the mixture should be rubbed into the roots and spread over the length of the hair. Hair roll up the package, an hour or two rinse with clean water. If necessary, you can wash your hair with shampoo.
Homemade hair masks - Faithful companions of female beauty. Make them regularly, and your hair in any inclement weather will look strong and healthy!
Alice Terentyeva