How to restore natural hair color

How to restore natural hair color
 Repainting hair is not always the best - not the color, not the result that you expect. And sometimes after several years of searching for their way of you understand that you want to return to the hair color that you bestowed by nature.
 In any beauty salon offers to undergo the procedure wash - it can be an acid, bleaching or in kind. The most active remover - discolor, it contains active ingredients and lightens hair about four tones in a single procedure. Acidic hair remover extracts coloring pigment without damaging the hair bulb - a color change does not occur for more than two tones. Natural wash can be made at home - it consists of olive, burdock or almond oil may contain dairy products, soap or alcohol.

You can mix all the lightening ingredients - several types of oil, brandy and yogurt. Apply thoroughly mixed mass of hair, cover their plastic bag and wrap head with a towel. Three hours later, wash your hair with shampoo, rinse hair with lemon water. Your curls will be lighter, but will retain its structure and health.

Another homemade recipe restore natural hair color - beer mask. Moisten the hair with beer in the morning, put on oilcloth hat and walk all day long. In the evening, head wash soap, then apply to hair softening and nourishing balm.

You can apply coloring to make a return to the old hair color gradually. If the nature of your hair blonde, but in the course of the experiments you become a brunette, try highlighting - lighten the individual strands of hair a few shades. Over time, your hair will start to grow and you can try to perform a complete hair coloring paint, similar in hue to the natural color.

If you lighten your hair, but want to return to darker shades, it does not change color dramatically - the effect can be unpredictable, until the appearance of greenish and purple hues. Paint the hair gradually and use the money instead tint persistent trains - they are gradually washed away, while your hair will grow back, and the contrast will not be as noticeable. Repainted a few shades dangerous, so pick one shade, approaching the desired color.

Tags: hair color, highlighting, coloring, coloring