How to remove body hair forever

How to remove body hair forever
 The modern woman can honestly afraid of the word "hair removal" - in fact, this procedure is familiar to every firsthand. But regularly torture yourself bored and you are thinking about a radical method of controlling unwanted hair. Are there any?  
 Lucky women of past eras - and no one paid attention to unwanted hair. Today and aesthetic norms, and men loved require that the skin was smooth. Having tried all means, once a woman wants to know if he could finally stop this agony. It turns out - you can. Today, there are indeed a means to remove body hair permanently.

Before you follow all the advice, I heard from friends or read on the Internet, learn a little about the theory. No hot wax or epilator not able to rid you from hair. After all, they only pulled already raised the hair from the root. The hair bulb is - a place where the hair is born - remains in place. And so, after getting rid of unwanted hair, after 2-4 weeks already grow new ones.

But the skin remains smooth always, you should not allow new hairs grow. This will have to destroy the hair follicle. Sounds scary? In fact, it is not very serious loss, but all procedures to do this, are not cheap.

Independently carry out such actions, you just can not, therefore, refer to the beauty salon. It offers several options.

Electrolysis - in the hair follicle are sent a small charge current, which leads to its destruction. This procedure is not entirely painless, also runs long enough. Imagine - every hair need to stick a thin needle through which the charge will be sent.

Less painless epilation. Note for this procedure, the hair should be longer than 1.2 mm. On your skin will drive device that emits a special light. That hair disappeared completely, you must perform several procedures.

More progressive Elos hair removal. But is this procedure expensive. In the hair immediately sent two types of radiation - one destroys its structure, the other protects the skin from overheating. No consequences and pain you will not find.

Tags: hair and body