How to give your hair a special shine

How to give your hair a special shine
 Shiny shiny hair - the dream of every modern girl. To give hair shine, you must take care of them, protect from frost and hot air. Professional care - first assistant in this, but also adherence to the simple rules and use of folk remedies also improves the condition of hair.

Out of fashion never go shiny healthy hair, because it's so attracts the attention that everyone is looking for a way to make your hair shiny. Why shiny hair? The main reason - a reflection of light from the surface of the hair, so dark straight hair curly light shine better. But in any case, proper care will help to make any hair healthy and shiny.

First assistant in this case - air conditioning, softening the hair and mask, penetrating deep into the hair and treating the damaged areas of the hair. Means of hair care products should choose with extracts of rosemary, chamomile, coconut and jojoba oil, because these ingredients help to achieve results quickly and efficiently. To consolidate the results, you can use air conditioning spray.

The second way in order to bring the hair and makes them shine is subject to certain rules that apply at home. It should be remembered that the hot water and hot air from a hair dryer spoil the hair, making them dull and damaged. Frequent shampooing should take place using the same shampoo. After exposure to bleach hair or saltwater, you should definitely rinse your hair with fresh cool water. And, most importantly, you must follow the comb, which is so often touches the hair. A perfect choice - a hairbrush with natural bristles, because it distributes nutrients throughout the length of the hair to the tips that gives a special shine to the hair.

In order not to give the hair to fade, do not abuse the perm. In winter, wear a hat to protect your hair from the cold, and in summer - panama, as the sun's rays adversely affect the structure of the hair. Even central heating dries hair, so it is always necessary to humidify the space in the room.

Additionally improve the rinse aid will head massage and exercise, because of the improved blood circulation hair grow faster and get the nutrients. Good food, plenty of easy clean water, vitamin B and kelp tablets only help in hair care, because healthy appearance is always dependent on the internal state.

From all the adverse factors is difficult to protect the hair, but periodic use of protective equipment, moisturizing masks, firming agents and respect the basic rules will help keep hair shiny, healthy and flavorful.

Tags: hair shine