Means to the ends cosmetic stores are represented in a huge range, the main thing - the right to choose and apply them. First of all, we must be able to comb her hair. It does not fit the plastic comb is better to buy a wooden brush with rare and large teeth. Wash your hair no more than once in two or three days, using a medicated shampoo on natural ingredients. Very useful rinse hair infusion of chamomile or lime blossom.
In the rubric Aromatherapy: essential oil of orange
Split ends of hair - It is so urgent problem that we know many folk remedies that can effectively challenge it. One of them - burdock oil. Simply rub it into the scalp and apply on hair and then wrap your head with a towel and wash off the mask after ten or fifteen minutes. Similarly, fish oil can be used. Very effective cold compress of yogurt and juice of plantain, which are mixed in equal proportions. Compress left on the hair for an hour, then washed them with shampoo. It is possible to make a mask by a conventional hair olive oil. After the treatment is recommended to rinse your hair with cool water with lemon juice.
It's no secret that our inner state is reflected on the exterior. And the hair - is one of the indicators of problems in the body. It is possible thatdry hair ends - Is the result of an imbalance of vitamins and trace elements, a signal of metabolic disorders. Experts advise everyone who caresdry hair ends, Special diet. The diet must include fish rich in omega-3 fats, as well as nuts, olives, cheeses, which contain vegetable fats. An integrated approach allows you to quickly deal with the problem.
Split ends of hair and may indicate that the hair suffer from improper handling and aggressive environmental influences. Very often the hair are cut in winter: dry air and gusts of icy wind make the hair dry and weakened. In this dry and weakened hair afraid of direct sunlight. So you need to maximize their spare: Do not walk down the street without a hat, summer use special sunscreen. Minimize the use of a hairdryer and hot curling irons, they weaken the hair. Do not brush wet hair, so you have more to damage the structure.
According to experts, completely cure split ends of hair with the help of the applicationmasks for hair ends or other means can not, they will give only a temporary effect. Fluids and air conditioners can glue the ends of her hair, but it will not cure your hair completely. Radical way to combat dry and damaged hair ends - medical haircut hot scissors. Hot scissors like a "sealed"split ends of hairAnd they permanently retain their health. After this procedure, you can actively use drugs that prevent problems with the tips of his hair in the future. During haircuts hair shortened by two to three centimeters.
Hair - a wealth of safety which need to be able to love and care for. In the end, lush mane healthy and shining hair - this is our best natural decoration. Split ends - it is unpleasant, but you can get rid of them by following the above recommendations. We hope that these tips will help you a long time to keep the hair beautiful and healthy.
Tatiana Karpova