Yoga for runners. Tips trainer Heidi Klum

 Fitness consultants actresses and supermodels to match his own - beautiful and, of course, an excellent figure. Employment Heidi Klum manages Andrea Orbec. She created a secret weapon - 5 asanas that should be included in the training program to all runners.

How do you warm up before a run? Leaning forward, sideways, ten sit-ups? Andrea Orbec offers a more effective workout in 5 poses from yoga. She has developed this set of exercises for Heidi Klum, who loves to run.

Runners should focus on the muscles that are constantly in tension or underdeveloped due to sedentary work, or for other reasons. Orbec offers to work on opening the hips, stretching the lumbar muscles and hamstring. If it is good to stretch these areas, will be given a run with ease and bring pleasure.

1. Pose of the Child (Balasana)

Yoga for runners. Tips trainer Heidi Klum

The coccyx is on your heels, arms stretched along the body. Exercise reveals lumbar and stretches the quadriceps muscle (quadriceps).

2. Pose a happy child (Ananda Balasana)

Yoga for runners. Tips trainer Heidi Klum

Knees drawn to his chest at the armpits. Shin perpendicular to the floor, feet - parallel.

As Andrea jokes, this pose for a happy runner. It reveals the lumbar, it also involves hamstring and inner thighs.

3. Pose pigeon (Pada Radzhakapotasana)

Yoga for runners. Tips trainer Heidi Klum

Leg bent at the knee, shin lies beneath the thigh, the body is straight, hands fingers rest against the floor at the level of the knee. Posture contributes to the disclosure of the pelvis, improves mobility, muscle pulls, and rotator cuff muscles, hip flexors. Orbec like this exercise also for the fact that the effect of this it is seen immediately: removed so familiar to all - runners, models, mothers - muscle tension.

4. Pose Warrior (Virabhadrasana)

Yoga for runners. Tips trainer Heidi Klum

The front leg is bent at a right angle, knee over the heel, the other leg stretched out. One stop looking ahead, the other - rolled 45 degrees, arms are locked in his hands and pulled up. When you exercise, it is important to make sure that your heels are on the same level.

Asana lengthens the inner surface of the thigh, the main burden in this case is on the quadriceps. Pose warrior is also good for balancing.

5. Pose goddess (Utkata Konasana)

Yoga for runners. Tips trainer Heidi Klum

This is a great way to unleash the inner thin muscles and rib cage, which is very important for runners.

Those who are far from yoga and prefer a more dynamic movement, Andrea Orbec offers other ways to warm up.

Yoga for runners. Tips trainer Heidi Klum

Lying on his side, legs bent. During exercise (by the way, not only that) keep the abdominal muscles tense and follow ups. Orbec advised to do at least 20 reps. To be most effective, you can use a weighting agent, securing it at the bottom of the leg.

Yoga for runners. Tips trainer Heidi KlumYoga for runners. Tips trainer Heidi Klum

While running back is also experiencing a lot of stress, it is important to keep this in mind and try to keep it straight. For the development of correct posture Orbec recommends two exercises.

Yoga for runners. Tips trainer Heidi Klum

First, stand up straight, imagine that the blades are assembled behind the clothespin, and train movement of the arms while running. To do this, first pull them out in front of him, then bent at right angles, move alternately back and forth.

Yoga for runners. Tips trainer Heidi Klum

Other uprazheny for training posture: shoulders slumped along the body. Reduces and spreads forearm at a right angle.

Yoga for runners. Tips trainer Heidi Klum

The last exercise, which, according to Orbec, should be included in training - the slopes of the housing. Hands behind your head, knees prisognuty, back straight. Low lean not necessary, between your back and legs should form a right angle, and then have to go back to its original position. Be sure to hold the back straight.

Tips Andrea Orbec show that the favorite sports you can successfully merge, closely examining the features of each of them.

Photo: YogaJournal, HeidiKlum on Aol.